Armour Pest Control

Discover The Benefits Of Organic Or Green Pest Control

pest control dubai

Green pest management, also known as organic pest control, is a safe and efficient method of reducing insect infestations in crops and animals without endangering human or environmental health. As the adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so instead of destroying the fungus that insects bring, green pest control focuses on preventing the insects themselves from attacking our crops. Due to this, several pest control services in Dubai & Abu Dhabi locations are slowly transitioning towards green pest control.

Many mistakenly believe that “green” pest control is not chemically based like conventional pesticides. It only uses naturally occurring compounds (such as borates) that are non-hazardous to humans, animals, and the environment. For example, if mites plague your plant, you may use a green knockdown spray, such as Neem oil or Pyrethrins, to eliminate the problem without endangering the local fauna or your beloved pets. The chemicals are safe for human use and won’t harm the ecosystem.

Why choose green pest management?

There are a variety of approaches that you may take to deter pests, but many of them involve the use of pesticides that might be harmful to the ecosystem. You can find relief in environmentally friendly insect control measures. Need convincing that eco-friendly pest management is the way to go? Here are a few of them:

Weevils multiply fast. Female weevils drill tiny holes in grains and lay eggs inside. When the eggs hatch, the larva feed on the kernel until they mature. Once they become full-grown adults, they come out of the grains, mate and search for new grains.

  • It is more eco-friendly: This is the crucial advantage of using green pest management. Green pest management options are usually more helpful and far safer for the environment than chemical sprays, which may be effective but can have detrimental impacts on the surrounding ecosystem (including soil, animals, and water as runoff). Oils derived from plants or foods are often used in green pesticides, providing an all-natural alternative to toxic chemical pesticides that is safer for the environment.
  • Long-term results: The effectiveness of natural insecticides tends to last longer than that of chemical sprays. Apply once, repeat thirty days later, again thirty days after that, and so on. This practice of using chemical pesticides is undoubtedly one you have experienced before. In addition to causing long-term harm to your garden or lawn, using the same treatment repeatedly might hinder the growth of any plants you try to cultivate. You can simplify pest control in Dubai with the help of green pest management.
  • Science: From a scientific standpoint, most environmentally friendly pesticides work by combining biological controls with organic, safer compounds. To make effective pesticides, one must understand the chemical makeup of the pests and the natural ingredients used to create the pesticides. Corporations need complete knowledge of the problems and any potential organic chemicals that might deter them. 
  • Pests have no chance of survival when exposed to it: Research suggests that chemical pesticides and sprays may lose efficacy after prolonged use. This is a simple result of natural selection: if some insects within a species are spared from extinction due to the pesticides, only those with features that make them resistant to the chemicals will be passed onto future generations. Over time, the majority of people may develop immunity to that substance. Because natural remedies are derived from living organisms rather than synthetic chemicals, pests are less likely to acquire immunity.

Armour provides a variety of services that are both sustainable and effective. Their cutting-edge products and services offer efficient pest management without harming the environment. They offer home and industrial pest control services at reasonable rates. Contact them today to schedule an extermination.

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