Armour Pest Control

Can A Weevil Ruin Your Kitchen?

pest control in the home

Yes, weevils can make your kitchen a mess if you don’t take the necessary action.

Weevils are members of the beetle family. They are not very dangerous, but they can be irritating because they use your food as their habitat. Only when there is an infestation will you notice them? As a result, it makes sense to contact some good pest control companies in Dubai at their very first sight.

How Do Weevils Get into Your Kitchen?

Weevils usually wriggle their way into your kitchen through dry foods like flour, rice, etc. They are capable of chewing through any type of plastic or cardboard packaging. As a result, once inside, they can easily infest other food items. Like most pests, they feed on grains, cereals, pulses, etc. stored in your pantry.

Weevils multiply fast. Female weevils drill tiny holes in grains and lay eggs inside. When the eggs hatch, the larva feed on the kernel until they mature. Once they become full-grown adults, they come out of the grains, mate, and search for new grains.

A female weevil can lay up to 254 eggs during her lifetime. Because of their rapid reproduction, these pests are difficult to eradicate.

How Dangerous Are Weevils?

Weevils do not cause any direct harm to humans. The only known harm they can cause is spoiling your food and increasing your workload by requiring you to filter out your food every now and then. But, consuming foods infested by weevils can cause mild diarrhea and other minor diseases.

Weevils sometimes act as organic pest control. Because they eat other tiny garden pests, they are known to provide some relief to gardeners. The real trouble begins when they make their way indoors. If you don’t practice proper pest control in the home, they can damage your food items.

How To Get Rid of Weevils From Your Kitchen?

If you can’t stand the thought of living with pests like weevils, here’s how to get rid of them:

  • Throw away all the infested goods: Check both opened and unopened packages for weevils and get rid of them if you find any. Look for weevils in nearby containers and boxes too. Weevils can chew through cupboards and plastics, jeopardizing your unopened, sealed containers.
  • Deep clean: Once you’ve removed all the affected items, it’s time to deep clean your kitchen and pantry. Don’t forget to give extra attention to cracks and crevices, which is the favorite hiding spot of weevils.
  • Get rid of extra packaging: As discussed above, weevils can eat through cardboard. It is better to discard any such excess packaging since weevils can emerge from them in the future.
  • Disinfect: Thoroughly disinfect your pantry before returning the unaffected food items to their places. Also, clean the unaffected containers and disinfect them before placing them back.
  • Freeze dry staples: You can freeze certain grains and dry staples for three to four days to kill any kind of larva present in them.
  • Regular cleaning: To prevent any weevil infestation, try to clean your kitchen and pantry regularly.

If the infestation is getting out of control or if you feel like the remedies mentioned above aren’t working, take the help of professionals to deal with weevil infestations.

Armour Pest Control provides safe and reliable pest control services in the UAE. Our qualified exterminators can help you eliminate weevils and other pests and prevent future infestations. If you are looking for pest control in JLT, feel free to contact our team. Our services are available throughout Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah.

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