Armour Pest Control

Are DIYs Effective For Rodent Control?

Rodent control in UAE

While working in your office or relaxing at home, it is quite possible that you might have spotted small creatures peeking out from under kitchen doors or near garbage cans. Rodents often hide from you in plain sight while enjoying a pleasurable stay at your expense. So, how do you deal with them? Most people resort to DIYs to tackle pest issues. But, are they effective? Let’s weigh their pros and cons to find the answer:


Low-Cost Alternative

Living in the UAE can be costly for some people. So when faced with pest problems, they tend to choose the cheaper alternative i.e. DIYs. From essential oils to houseplants, there are hundreds of home remedies for pests that people commonly use. 

Choose And Use The Products

When you take on the responsibility of getting rid of pests, you are aware of the products you use, where you are using them, and their possible side effects. For example, if you are going to use chemicals and you have a baby at home, you can make sure that they stay away from the area where the product is used. 

Many Options

You can find a multitude of options on the internet, or from people around you. The most common DIY for rodent control are traps, baits, rat repellents, peppermint oil, etc. You can choose the option that suits your requirements. 



If you compare the effectiveness of DIYs with professional rodent control services, you will surely find that the latter is more effective. Rodent control in UAE makes use of products that provide a more long-lasting result. They also take care to sanitize and clean the property after their services, so it’s a double-win for you.


No layman can compete with the expertise and experience of professionals. Only a professional technician can inspect a space and understand the severity of an infestation and take appropriate measures. 

rodent control services in the UAE

Increases The Risk

Professionals have a clearer understanding of the type and effects of the chemicals used for pest control. Moreover, they will take all the necessary safety precautions before using the chemicals. But in the case of DIYs,  you may expose yourself to these hazardous chemicals and are more prone to catch diseases.

Unreachable Areas

Rodents are nocturnal beings and often find refuge in nooks and crannies that you may not be able to reach or spot. Professionals, on the other hand, have all the necessary equipment to find their hide-outs and thus can eliminate the source of the problem quite easily.

More Expensive In The Long Run

Initially, DIYs may look cheaper, but in the long run, they can end up costing you more. How? For example, you might be using pesticides for eradicating rats from your home. But these pesticides cannot be used on all the pests, therefore you end up buying different products for different pests. On the other hand, professionals usually have a single solution for a range of problems. 

DIYs are effective for certain things, but when it comes to rodent infestation, you should not rely on these tips and tricks. Only a professional pest control team can effectively and efficiently tackle such issues. There are many pest control services in Dubai that offer rodent control services, but if you want to get the job done the right way contact Armour today! Armour Pest Control provides safe and effective rodent control services in the UAE

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