Armour Pest Control

Tips and Tricks for Keeping Ants Out of Your Home

pest control in the home

With over 12,000 species now recognized, ants are one of the most common and annoying pests you can have in your home. They live in groups called colonies, and each colony can have hundreds or even thousands of ants. Ants invade your home through tiny gaps or cracks in windows, doors, or foundations. Similar to other pests, the presence of water, food, and good nesting locations all contribute to an ant infestation. Ant infestations can cause everything from bites to allergies to damage to your home.

Before you fall victim to an ant infestation and run for pest control services in Dubai, you can prevent them from invading your home. Here are a few tips and tricks to carry up your sleeve for keeping ants out of your home.

  • Keep your home clean:

Ants are drawn to food and crumbs, so be sure to wipe up spills and crumbs as soon as they occur. This entails swiftly cleaning dishes, sweeping the floor, and wiping off the countertops.

  • Store food properly :

Maintain an appropriate food storage system by placing all food in airtight containers and avoiding prolonged exposure of the food on the kitchen counter. Make sure the lids on your garbage cans are secure and take out the trash frequently.

  • Seal entry points:

Ants enter your home through tiny holes and fractures around windows, doors, and pipes. They won’t be able to enter your house if these access points are sealed with caulk or weather stripping.

Ant control in Dubai
  • Use ant-specific bait traps:

If you see ants in your house, use ant-specific bait traps. These traps contain a slow-acting poison that the ants bring back to their colony, aiding in the eradication of the whole colony.

  • Use natural deterrents :

Some fragrances, such as peppermint, cinnamon, and citrus, discourage ants. To keep ants out of your house, use essential oils or natural sprays prepared from these substances.

  • Eliminate standing water:

Ants require water to thrive, so remove any standing water in and around your home, such as in plant saucers or the bottoms of flower pots.

  • Call a professional:

If your problem is serious, you should always call a professional ant control in Dubai. They will know how to get rid of ant problems and stop them from happening again.

Different Ants to Look Out for in Your Home

You can find different types of ants in your house. Some of the most common varieties are: 

  • Argentine Ants:

Small, brown ants that form large colonies and are attracted to sweet foods. They can be found in kitchens and bathrooms.

  • Carpenter Ants:

 Larger than most house ants, black or sanguine-brown in colour, and known for nesting in wood.

  • Odorous House Ants:

 Small, black ants that emit a strong odour when crushed and are attracted to sweet and greasy foods. They infest kitchens mainly.

  • Pharaoh Ants :

Small, light brown ants that are attracted to sweet foods and can be found in kitchens and bathrooms.

  • Pincher Ants :

Very small ants known for stealing the eggs and larvae of other ant species and attracted to sweet and greasy foods.

No matter the species, the presence of any of these ant colonies makes pest control in the home a necessity. To prevent ant invasions, follow the aforementioned tips and tricks or seek professional help. Remember, prevention is better than cure.

Armour Pest Control is a Dubai-based pest control company offering eco-friendly pest control treatments. We have long-term solutions for pests like ants and other insects.

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