Armour Pest Control

Six Tips to Keep Your Home Pest-Free This Summer

cockroach control

Pests love the summer season. Most pests reproduce and multiply during this time of the year. But, for that to happen, they require food and shelter. If you do not pest-proof your home, you are essentially creating an ideal habitat for them. Here are six easy tips to keep your family safe from pests during summer.

Dispose of your food waste properly

Food waste is often the main cause of pest infestation in homes. If you allow food waste to accumulate in your home or in your surroundings, you’re creating a constant supply of food for pests. The same is true for pet food. If the disposal is not proper, pests will come and eat them.

Don’t let water stagnate

Pests, like mosquitoes and flies, breed in stagnant water. When the weather is hot, most insects, like cockroaches, gather around water bodies to stay cool. And if you don’t get rid of standing water, your property can be a hotbed for such pests. 

Clean your kitchen

Make sure your kitchen is clean and that there is no dirt in the sink, on the dishes, on the cutting board, or in the pipes. Never leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight because the food left on the dishes is what attracts cockroaches. For effective cockroach control, remember to clean your kitchen pipes, as cockroaches have an odd affinity toward kitchen pipes.

Seal up the holes on your property

To prevent pest infestations, you must first seal up all the unnecessary openings on your property because these openings can serve as entry points for pests like rats and mice. For this, a thorough inspection of your property and careful observation of current pest activity is required. Our professional pest control and prevention services can do the hard work for you. So that you can sit back and relax at your home.

professional pest control

Keep your surroundings clean

Bees, crickets, mosquitoes, and several other bugs thrive in overgrown hedges. Make sure to regularly trim the hedges, and grasses and clean up any standing water to keep pests away. You should also inspect your neighborhood and remove unwanted bushes and stagnant water bodies.

Store food safely and properly

Ensure your food is stored in airtight glass or steel containers so that it is not susceptible to pest attacks. Pests, especially rodents, can chew through even the toughest plastics, so it is not a good idea to use plastic storage containers. However, to prevent rodent infestations, you can contact our rodent pest control Dubai team. 

These are just six of the many steps you can take to prevent pests from entering your home this summer. Without professional assistance, homeowners may find it very time-consuming and difficult to follow them. We at Armour Pest Control can help you keep pests out of your home. Our professional pest control services use eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning methods to ensure the safety of your children and to eliminate dangerous pests like rodents and cockroaches. Contact us today to have a trouble-free and safe summer.

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